Degree Options - Professional Counseling 

The MTSU Professional Counseling Program offers an Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in Professional Counseling.  Two (2) concentrations are available – clinical mental health counseling and school counseling.  In addition, an abbreviated version of the Ed.S. is offered to individuals who have completed a master’s degree and wish to take additional coursework for the advanced degree.  Finally, three (3) licensure options are offered – one for those who are enrolled in either degree program and wish to meet the eligibility requirements for licensure as both a professional counselor and a school counselor – and two others that do not require completion of a degree but only specific coursework to meet licensure requirements in a particular area.  Both concentrations (full/61-hour programs) are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

What is an Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree?

The Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree is an advanced degree that is practitioner-focused and designed for those who want to gain specialized proficiency in a particular area of interest, such as professional counseling.  The number of required hours for the Ed.S. extend beyond the traditional master’s degree but are less than a doctoral degree. 

How many credit hours are required for completion of the Ed.S. degree and other options?

Degree seeking options in the MTSU Professional Counseling Program require completion of 61 graduate credit hours in a specific concentration.  Licensure options within a concentration may require a student to complete more than the minimum 61 hours depending on the licensure requirements.  The number of hours required for the abbreviated Ed.S. varies depending on the number of hours an individual completed for their master’s degree and the degree concentration they choose to complete.  The non-degree seeking licensure options require designated course work depending on licensure requirements and thus the number of credit hours varies as a result. 

Degree options:

  1. Degree – Educational Specialist degree (Ed.S.) in clinical mental health counseling (61 hours minimum)
    • Licensure option: Licensed School Counselor
  1. Degree – Educational Specialist degree (Ed.S.) in school counseling (61 hours minimum)
    • Licensure option: Licensed Professional Counselor
  1. Non-degree option - Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC/MHSP-TN)

  2. Non-degree option - Licensed School Counselor

Degree descriptions:

Clinical Mental Health – Specialist in Education degree (Ed.S.)

The Clinical Mental Health Counseling concentration is a 61-hour degree program designed to train students to work in mental health settings. Students learn how to counsel children, adolescents, and adults.  Those who complete the concentration will have met the educational requirements for licensure as professional counselors with mental health service provider (LPC MHSP) designation in the state of Tennessee. While not required for their degree students may complete additional coursework to meet licensure requirements as a school counselor.  Upon completion of their program of studies students are awarded a Specialist in Education degree (Ed.S.). 

School Counseling – Specialist in Education degree (Ed.S.)

The School Counseling concentration is a 61-hour degree program with an emphasis on developmental school counseling. Students who complete the concentration in school counseling will have met the educational requirements necessary for licensure as school counselors in the state of Tennessee. While not required for their degree, students may complete additional coursework to meet licensure requirements as a professional counselor.  Upon completion of their program of studies students are awarded a Specialist in Education degree (Ed.S.). 

License-only options:

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC/MHSP - TN)

The Tennessee LPC/MHSP license only option is for graduates who have already completed a graduate degree in a related counseling program (i.e. school counseling or related degrees) or a degree in another state, but may need to complete additional course work to meet the educational requirements for licensure as a professional counselor in Tennessee.  The Professional Counseling faculty recommend that prospective students consult with the Tennessee Licensed Professional Counselors Association (TLPCA) to determine additional course work required for licensure in Tennessee.  For more information about the TLPCA consultation process, visit  Once prospective students have received the consultation, they should contact Dr. Robin Lee ( to determine the next steps.

Licensed School Counselor

The School Counseling license only option is for individuals who have already completed a graduate degree in counseling (e.g., clinical mental health counseling) or a related field and wish to work in a school as a school counselor.  Prospective students should reach out to Dr. Robin Lee (, Program Coordinator, learn more about this option.

Professional Counseling

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