SOAR Student Profiles

Fabiola Vasquez

Fabiola Vasquez

  • SOAR Position: Member
  • Major: Psychology
  • Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Tiffany Rogers

Current Focus: Oxytocin and Antibiotic Interactions Influencing Social Behavior in Mice

Additional Interests: Addiction, Neuropsychological disorders, Neuroscience

Project Description

Oxytocin is known for its effects on social behavior and is proposed as a treatment for autism. Oxytocin has been used in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of postpartum disorders and infectious diseases. Brain signaling pathways can be disrupted when there is an early exposure to antibiotics from a young age that can increase the risk of neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism. Few studies have looked at the potential interaction effects of antibiotics and oxytocin during development or their effect on social behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine potential interaction effects between oxytocin and antibiotics in mice to better inform pharmacological treatments for ASD.

Why does this topic interest you?

This interests me because of its implications for pharmacological treatment of autism.

What are your professional aspirations?

I aspire to get a Master's then a PhD to become a neuropsychologist.

Do you have any advice for future researchers?

Get involved with research early on.

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