SOAR Student Profiles

Jorden Johnson

Jorden Johnson

  • SOAR Position: Member; Alumni
  • Major: Interior Design
  • Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Pavel

Current Focus: Assessing the Fidelity of Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Profiles in Architectural Lighting Simulations: A Comparative Analysis

Additional Interests: Computer rendering, 3D modeling, conceptual design, FF&E selections

Project Description

Enscape 3d and Lumion are two AEC industry-standard architectural visualization software programs that allow users to upload Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) light profile data to simulate precise characteristics. Existing research on architectural lighting simulation primarily centers on the rendering fidelity of light sources for the use of VR applications, and moreover, is limited to the analysis of a single software. For my comparative analysis of these two softwares, three measures will be assessed: interface design, lighting fidelity, and material fidelity. Understanding the differences and limitations among these programs will allow for more effective adjustments to lighting schemes during the design process.

Why does this topic interest you?

Enscape is a software that is taught in my design program; however, Professor Pavel has expressed the importance of learning others that will also be beneficial in the design industry. Their simulation accuracy is crucial to the decision making and final design outcomes. Comparing the differences between the two softwares will allow me to understand which software is a better option for a specific project; this will offer me a more productive and efficient workflow.

What are your professional aspirations?

I plan to take the necessary steps toward the certifications and licensures that are vital to the design industry. I aspire to work in the hospitality design market. As someone who longs for exploration and experience, I would love the opportunity to travel with my work. I also plan to continue my membership with design associations and organizations to further my network connections.

Do you have any advice for future researchers?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! When researching, you are more than likely going to question something or need guidance somewhere. Don’t be afraid to speak up or question a finding. You don’t have to know everything. The whole idea behind researching is to learn.

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