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Department of Political and Global Affairs

Study Abroad Opportunities


Study abroad is an integral part of the Political and Global Affairs curriculum.  The opportunity to study in another country affords our majors and minors with many advantages. Students return from their study abroad programs with broadened world views.  Their firsthand experiences with different cultures and ways of life enhance their critical thinking skills.  Likewise, the life experiences gained and personal connections made while abroad aptly prepare our students for the diverse, multi-cultural world we live in today. International experience is attractive to employers in a variety of fields and is viewed favorably by many graduate programs.  Even before graduation, participation in study abroad programs benefit our majors and minors.  Studies show that students who study abroad boast higher GPAs on average and are more likely to finish their undergraduate degree.  

So, if you’re ready to get outside your comfort zone and explore the world, come talk to one of our department’s faculty members. Even if you are not able to study abroad while pursuing your undergraduate degree, our curriculum offers other degree tracts designed to engage global issues without leaving the country.

Study Abroad Quotes 2

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