Dr. James P. Loveless

Assistant Professor

Dr. James P. Loveless
(615) 898-5288
(615) 898-5027
Room 361, Academic Classroom Building (ACB)
MTSU Box 87, Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Office Hours

*Fall 2024*
T, Th, 0900 - 1130


Degree Information

  • PHD, East Carolina University (2017)
  • MED, Clemson University (2011)
  • BS, Clemson University (2009)

Areas of Expertise

Clinical health psychology
Behavioral medicine
Adult psychopathology
Evidence based psychotherapy


Dr. Loveless was born and raised in the Midlands of South Carolina. He completed his undergraduate training in psychology at Clemson University, and then went on to earn a master's degree in professional counseling at the same institution. After working briefly as a counselor in community mental health as well as an adjunct instructor within Clemson University's psychology department, he was accepted into East Carolina University's clinical health psychology doctoral program. Prior to his gra...

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Dr. Loveless was born and raised in the Midlands of South Carolina. He completed his undergraduate training in psychology at Clemson University, and then went on to earn a master's degree in professional counseling at the same institution. After working briefly as a counselor in community mental health as well as an adjunct instructor within Clemson University's psychology department, he was accepted into East Carolina University's clinical health psychology doctoral program. Prior to his graduation in 2017, he completed a year-long full-time accredited internship in clinical psychology at the Augusta University/Charlie Norwood VAMC consortium in Augusta, GA. Following graduation, he went on to complete a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in behavioral medicine at University of Virginia. Dr. Loveless has been working at Middle Tennessee State University as an assistant professor in the psychology department since leaving his fellowship in August 2019.

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: 

Loveless, J. P., Sullivan, N., Hall, H., Danford, J., Farley, A., Trogdon, N., & Baldwin, J. (2023). Linking blood pressure-associated emotional dampening to trait empathy. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 130(6), 2305 -2326. https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125231197839 

Loveless, J. P., Rosen, J. H., & Yost, J. S. (2023). Implementing a workflow-integra...

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: 

Loveless, J. P., Sullivan, N., Hall, H., Danford, J., Farley, A., Trogdon, N., & Baldwin, J. (2023). Linking blood pressure-associated emotional dampening to trait empathy. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 130(6), 2305 -2326. https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125231197839 

Loveless, J. P., Rosen, J. H., & Yost, J. S. (2023). Implementing a workflow-integrated motivational interviewing training program for psychiatry trainees on an inpatient consultation-liaison rotation: Lessons learned. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1184053  

Yost, J. S., Loveless, J. P., Shahane, A. A., & Clayton A. H. (2022). An innovative model of behavior management to address behavioral emergencies in the acute medical impatient setting: Pilot data. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 29, 54-61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10880-021-09775-3

Loveless, J. P., Russo, J. M., & Andersen, V. C. (2020). The successful treatment of insomnia in a patient with a complex neurological history. Clinical Case Studies, 19, 101-114. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534650119890123

Corson, A. T., Loveless, J. P., Mochrie, K. D., & Whited, M. C. (2018). Perfectionism in relation to stress and cardiovascular disease among gifted individuals and the need for affective curricula. Roeper Review, 40, 46-55. https://doi.org/10.1080/02783193.2017.1393711   

Loveless, J. P., Nicoletta, A., J., Winters, A., R., Wuensch, K. L., Carels, R. A., Whited, M. C., McCubbin, J. A., & Everhart, D. E. (2018). Exploring the relationship between emotional dampening and frontal asymmetry. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 123, 8-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2017.12.003

Copur, A. S., Everhart, D. E., Zhang, C., Chen, Z., Shekhani, H., Mathevosian, S., Loveless, J., Watson, E., Kadri, I., Wallace, L, Simon, E., & Fulambarker, A. (2017; Online First). Effect of personality traits on adherence with positive airway pressure therapy in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Sleep and Breathing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11325-012-1559-5  

Watson, E., Loveless, J. P., Stephenson, A. J., Bickel, K., Lehockey, K., & Everhart, D. E. (2016). The relationship between anger, frontal asymmetry and the BIS/BAS subscales. Journal of Nature and Science, 2, e264.  

Loveless, J. P., Whited, M. C, Rhodes, A. C., & Cellucci, A. (2016). The blending of evidenced based protocols in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: A case study. Clinical Case Studies, 15, 392-408. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1534650116658703 

Everhart, D. E., Loveless, J. P., & Stephenson, A. J. (2016). The emerging importance of evaluation of pre-injury sleep characteristics among adolescents with acquired traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Neurorehabilitation, 3: 210.

McCubbin, J. A., Loveless, J. P., Graham, J. G., Hall, G. A., Bart, R. M., Moore, D. D., Merritt, M. M., Lane, R. D., & Thayer, J. F. (2014). Emotional dampening in persons with elevated blood pressure: Affect dysregulation and risk for hypertension. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 47, 111-119. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12160-013-9526-2

Allen, A. J., McCubbin, J. A., Loveless, J. P., & Helfer, S. G. (2014). Effects of estrogen and opioid blockade on blood pressure reactivity to stress in postmenopausal women. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 94 -101. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-012-9468-3  


Peer Reviewed Published Abstracts:

Davis, A., Loveless, J. P., Foster, P., & Ujcich Ward, K. (2022). The relationship between weight status and posterior neuropsychological functioning. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56, S645.

Capiaghi, A. J., Loveless, J. P., & Whited, M. C. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) are associated with higher rates of high and low blood pressure among emerging adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55, S42.

Loveless, J. P., Loveless, A. T., Davis, A. L., Hitchcock, K. E., Everhart, D. E., & Whited, M. C. (2020). The influence of reinforcement sensitivity on cardiovascular functioning during a frustration task. Psychophysiology, 57, S76.

Loveless, J. P., Davis, A. L., Hitchcock, K. E., Nicoletta, A. J., Winters, A. R., Whited, M. C., McCubbin, J. A., & Everhart, D. E. (2020). A re-examining of the relationship between BIS/Scales scores and cardiovascular measures in emotional dampening studies. Psychophysiology, 57, S52. 

Everhart, D. E., Nicoletta, A., Winters, A., Zurlinden, T., Gencarelli, A., Corbett, Q., Watson, E., Lehockey, K., Highsmith, J., & Loveless, J. (2019). Resting anterior frontal alpha asymmetry is related to stage 2 sleep and apneic events during overnight polysomnography. Psychophysiology, 56, S121.  

Loveless, J. P., Nicoletta, A. J., & Everhart, D. E. (2018). An exploration of emotional dampening at differing levels of emotion processing. Psychophysiology, 55, S95.  

Everhart, D., Lehockey, K., Highsmith, J., Watson, E., Loveless, J., Nicoletta, A., Winters, A., Zurlinden, T., Kelly, C., & Bickel, K. (2018). Behavioral inhibition and anterior alpha asymmetry are predictors of adherence to continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnea. Psychophysiology, 55, S134.  

Copur, A. S., Everhart, D. E., Chen, Z., Shekhani, H., Mathevosian, S., Loveless, J., Watson, E., Kasri, I., Wallace, L., Simon, E., and Fulambarker, A. (2016). Effect of personality trait for PAP adherence in obstructive sleep apnea. CHEST Journal, 150, 1272A.  

Highsmith, J. M., Lehockey, K. A., Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Stephenson, A. J., and Everhart, D. E. (2015). Measures of executive functioning and appetitive motivation predict gender-specific cognitive versus gambling task choices. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 30, 573.  

Loveless, J., Clements, K., Watson, E., Whited, M., Wuensch, K., and Everhart, E. (2015). An exploration of the relationship between heart rate variability and cardiovascular emotional dampening. Psychophysiology, 52, S41.  

Highsmith, J. M., Lehockey, K. A., Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Stephenson, A. J., and Everhart, D. E. (2015). HRV and electrophysiological response to errors vary by cognitive versus affective task framing. Psychophysiology, 52, S38.  

Everhart, D. E., Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Hardin, L., Johnson-Cowan, S., Bickel, K. D., Stephenson, A. J., Lehockey, K. A., and Highsmith, J. M. (2014). Behavioral inhibition and frontal alpha activity are associated with adherence to continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Psychophysiology, 51, S66.  

Whited, M. C., Watson, E., Whited, A., Loveless, J., Arruda, C., Bickel, K., and Larkin, K. (2014). Psychological characteristics of familial hypertension: Hostility, forgiveness, or both? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 47, S16.

Allen, A., McCubbin, J., Loveless, J., & Helfer, S. (2011). Effects of estrogen and naltrexone on cardiovascular reactivity in post-menopausal women A-037. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41.


Book Chapters & Other Publications:

Loveless, J. P., DelGardo, G., Ujcich Ward, K. J., Eisenberg-Godsey, S., Boston, M. K., & Loftis, M. (2023). Support for the proliferation of master’s level health services psychology practice in Tennessee: A report to the Tennessee Psychological Association Board of Directors. Tennessee Psychological Association. https://www.tpaonline.org/resource/resmgr/_website/about_tpa/committees/2023_tpa_master_s_practice_p.pdf

Watson, E., Loveless, J., Highsmith, J. M., Lehockey, K. L., & Everhart, D. E. (2013). Obstructive sleep apnea: Review of assessment, diagnosis, pathogenesis, and neurocognitive sequelae. In E. N. Burgess & L. A. Thornton (Eds.), Cognitive dysfunctions: Biological basis, management of symptoms, and long-term neurological implications. Nova Publishing.

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Loveless, J. P. (2024, October). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I): A practical review [Continuing education presentation]. 2024 meeting of the Tennessee Psychological Association, Franklin, TN.

Donovan, B. J., Jackson, A. T., Loveless, J. P., Meggison, A. C., & Al-Amni, R. N. (2023, November). Stress and eating behaviors [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, San Francisco, CA.  


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Loveless, J. P. (2024, October). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I): A practical review [Continuing education presentation]. 2024 meeting of the Tennessee Psychological Association, Franklin, TN.

Donovan, B. J., Jackson, A. T., Loveless, J. P., Meggison, A. C., & Al-Amni, R. N. (2023, November). Stress and eating behaviors [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, San Francisco, CA.  

Sullivan, N. S., Loveless, J. P., Ujcich Ward, K. J., & Foster, P. S. (2023, October). Healthy sleep hygiene may influence migraine disability [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the Tennessee Psychological Association, Franklin, TN.  

Maladkar, R., Jackson, A., & Loveless, J. (2023, October). Validating the mindfulness skill scale [Poster presentation]. 2023 River Cities Industrial and Organizational Conference, Chattanooga, TN.  

Sullivan, N., Loveless, J., Hall, H., Danford, J. L., Farley, A., Trogdon, N., & Baldwin, J. (2023, August). Trait mindfulness may be independent of blood-pressure related emotional dampening [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

Myrick, C., Foster, P., Ujcich Ward, K., & Loveless, J. (2023, August). Lexical and semantic spreading activation in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

Hubbard, K. L., Schoonover, C., Loveless, J., & Ujcich Ward, K. (2023, August). Childhood maltreatment and depressive symptoms in college students [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

Cho, S. M., Loveless, J., Fuller, D., & Schoonover, C. (2023, August). Cleanliness is next to godliness: Exploring the limits of the cleanliness-morality link [Poster presentation]. 2023 meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

Sullivan, S. N., Loveless, J. P., & Dockery, A. (2023, April). On- versus off-campus housing: A sleep quality study among undergraduates [Paper presentation]. 69th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Hitchcock, K., Loveless, J. P., Ujcich Ward, K. J., & Fuller, D. (2023, April). A preliminary investigation of emotional dampening’s influence on eating behavior [Poster presentation]. 69th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

McNinch, A., Loveless, J. P., & Whited, M. C. (2023, April). What is clinical health psychology? [Conversation hour]. 69th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Eisenberg-Godsey, S., Loveless, J. P., Fuller, D., & Ujcich Ward, K. J. (2023, April). Exploratory analyses of sex differences in factors contributing to obesity [Poster presentation]. 69th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Donovan, B. J., Jackson, A. T., Loveless, J. P., & Meggison, A. C. (2022, October). Stress and eating behaviors [Poster presentation]. 2022 River Cities Industrial and Organizational Conference, Chattanooga, TN.  

Loveless, J. P., Sullivan, N., Hall, H., Danford, J., Farley, A., & Trogdon, N. (2022, August). Reduced empathy can be included among the cardiovascular emotional dampening constellation [Poster presentation]. 2022 meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Davis, A., Loveless, J. P., Foster, P., & Ujcich Ward, K. (2022, April). The relationship between weight status and posterior neuropsychological functioning [Poster presentation]. 2022 Society of Behavioral Medicine conference, Baltimore, MD.

Jackson, A. T., Mazzola, J. J., Loveless, J. P., & De Ruvo, L. (2022, April). Do barriers and facilitators of health choices impact work outcomes the next day? [Poster presentation]. 2022 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Seattle, WA.

Sullivan, N., Baldwin, J., Hall, H., Danford, J., Farely, A., Trogdon, N., & Loveless, J. P. (2022, March). Under pressure: Individual differences in resting blood pressure can predict aspects of empathetic ability in healthy college students [Poster presentation]. 16th annual MTSU Scholars Week, Murfreesboro, TN.

Hall, H., Farely, A., Trogdon, N., Danford, J., Sullivan, N., Baldwin, J., & Loveless, J. P. (2022, March). The mind and the body: Evidence that trait mindfulness is not implicated in the cardiovascular emotional dampening phenomenon among healthy college students [Poster presentation]. 16th annual MTSU Scholars Week, Murfreesboro, TN.

Ganus, S., Contreras, B., Loveless, J. P., & Pennington, J. T. (2022, March). Comparing the experiential perceptions of psychology students and psychology instructors [Paper presentation]. 68th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Hilton Head, SC.

Loveless, J. P., Jackson, A. T., Mazzola, J. J., & Tucker, S. (2022, January). Revisiting the frequencies of health barriers and facilitators in the workplace [Poster presentation]. 2022 European Association of Work and Occupational Psychology congress, virtual.

Mazzola, J. J., Jackson, A. T., & Loveless, J. P. (2021; November). Nutrition and exercise barriers and facilitators in the workplace and their effects on daily health behaviors, performance, and well-being [Poster presentation]. 2021 Work, Stress, & Health conference, virtual.

Loveless, J. P., Pennington, M., Gencarelli, A., Eisenberg-Godsey, S., & Everhart, D. E. (2021, August). Temporal changes in the relationships between personality factors and responses to the pandemic [Poster presentation]. 129th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. virtual.

Loveless, J. P., Gencarelli, A., Pennington, M., Eisenberg-Godsey, S., & Everhart, D. E. (2021, August). Dispositional motivation & reactions to the COVID pandemic: An RST study among US college students [Poster presentation]. 129th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, virtual.

Capiaghi, A. J., Loveless, J. P., & Whited, M. C. (2021, April). Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) are associated with higher rates of high and low blood pressure among emerging adults [Poster presentation]. 42nd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, virtual. 

Loveless, J. P., Loveless, A. T., Davis, A. L., Hitchcock, K. E., Everhart, D. E., & Whited, M. C. (2020, October). The influence of reinforcement sensitivity on cardiovascular functioning during a frustration task [Poster presentation]. 60th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, virtual.   

Loveless, J. P., Davis, A. L., Hitchcock, K. E., Nicoletta, A. J., Winters, A. R., Whited, M. C., McCubbin, J. A., & Everhart, D. E. (2020, October). A re-examining of the relationship between BIS/BAS Scales scores and cardiovascular measures in emotional dampening studies [Poster presentation]. 60th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, virtual.   

Loveless, J. P. (2020, March). Psychological and behavioral correlates of sustained elevated blood pressure: The cardiovascular emotional dampening phenomenon [Invited talk]. Middle Tennessee State University College of Behavior and Health Sciences Research Lunch Series, Murfreesboro, TN [Canceled due to COVID].    

Pan, R Y., Bruschwein, H., Loveless, J. P., & Ward, W. L. (2019, October). Psychology trainees’ perceived competence in team skills and interprofessional education opportunities [Poster presentation]. 7th annual Collaborating Across Borders conference, Indianapolis, IN.  

Everhart, D. E., Nicoletta, A., Winters, A., Zurlinden, T., Gencarelli, A., Corbett, Q., Watson, E., Lehockey, K., Highsmith, J., & Loveless, J. (2019, September). Resting anterior frontal alpha asymmetry is related to stage 2 sleep and apneic events during overnight polysomnography [Poster presentation]. 59th annual Society for Psychophysiology Research conference, Washington D.C.  

Loveless, J. P. (2019, April). A link between reinforcement sensitivity and cardiovascular emotional dampening: Electroencephalographic evidence [Paper presentation]. 2019 UVA Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences Research Day, Charlottesville, VA.  

Loveless, J. P., Nicoletta, A. J., & Everhart, D. E. (2018, October). An exploration of emotional dampening at differing levels of emotion processing. [Poster presentation]. 58th annual Society for Psychophysiology Research conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.    

Everhart, D., Lehockey, K., Highsmith, J., Watson, E., Loveless, J., Nicoletta, A., Winters, A., Zurlinden, T., Kelly, C., & Bickel, K. (2018, October). Behavioral inhibition and anterior alpha asymmetry are predictors of adherence to continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnea [Poster presentation]. 58th annual Society for Psychophysiology Research conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.   

Loveless, J. P. (2018, April). Cardiovascular emotional dampening at differing levels of emotion processing [Poster presentation]. 2018 UVA Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences Research Day, Charlottesville, VA. 

Loveless, J. P., Stephenson, A. J., & Everhart, D.E. (2017, January). The relationship between behavioral approach and emotion perception [Poster presentation]. 18th annual convention for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.  

Copur, A. S., Everhart, D. E., Chen, Z., Shekhani, H., Mathevosian, S., Loveless, J., Watson, E., Kasri, I., Wallace, L., Simon, E., & Fulambarker, A. (2016, October). Effect of personality trait for PAP adherence in obstructive sleep apnea [Poster presentation]. 2016 annual conference for the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), Los Angeles, CA.  

Highsmith, J. M., Lehockey, K. A., Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Stephenson, A. J., and Everhart, D. E. (2015, November). Measures of executive functioning and appetitive motivation predict gender-specific cognitive versus gambling task choices [Poster presentation]. 35th annual National Academy of Neuropsychology conference, Austin, TX.  

Loveless, J., Clements, K., Watson, E., Whited, M., Wuensch, K., and Everhart, E. (2015, September). An exploration of the relationship between heart rate variability and cardiovascular emotional dampening [Poster presentation]. 55th annual Society for Psychophysiological Research conference, Seattle, WA.   

Highsmith, J. M., Lehockey, K. A., Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Stephenson, A. J., and Everhart, D. E. (2015, September). HRV and electrophysiological response to errors vary by cognitive versus affective task framing [Poster presentation]. 55th annual Society for Psychophysiological Research conference, Seattle, WA.  

Watson, E. M., Clements, K. N., Stephenson, A., Loveless, J. P., Bickel, K., Lehockey, K. A., and Everhart, D. E. (2014, October). Anger is associated with greater left than right hemisphere baseline electroencephalographic activity [Poster presentation]. 16th annual Neuroscience Symposium, Greenville, NC.​  

Stephenson, A. J., Watson, E., Loveless, J., Bickel, K., Lehockey, K. A., Highsmith, J. M., Hardin, L., and Everhart, D. E. (2014, October). Neurophysiological behavioral activation (BAS) and behavioral inhibition (BIS) systems are associated with quality of life and adherence in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) [Poster presentation]. 16th annual Neuroscience Symposium, Greenville, NC.  

Everhart, D. E., Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Hardin, L., Johnson-Cowan, S., Bickel, K. D., Stephenson, A. J., Lehockey, K. A., and Highsmith, J. M. (2014, September). Behavioral inhibition and frontal alpha activity are associated with adherence to continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea [Poster presentation]. 54th annual Society for Psychophysiological Research conference, Atlanta, GA.  

Stephenson, A. J., Watson, E., Loveless, J., Bickel, K., Lehockey, K. A., Highsmith, J. M., Hardin, L., and Everhart, D. E. (2014, March). Behavioral inhibition and activation are related to quality of life and adherence in patients and obstructive sleep apnea [Poster presentation]. 35th annual Society of Behavioral Medicine conference, Philadelphia, PA.     

Whited, M. C., Watson, E., Whited, A., Loveless, J., Arruda, C., Bickel, K., and Larkin, K. (2014, March). Psychological characteristics of familial hypertension: Hostility, forgiveness, or both? [Poster presentation]. 35th annual Society of Behavioral Medicine conference, Philadelphia, PA.  

Watson, E. M., Loveless, J. P., Bickel, K., Lehockey, K. A., Highsmith, J. M., and Everhart, D. E. (2014, February). Effects of emotional valence on response latencies [Poster presentation]. 42nd annual International Neuropsychological Society conference, Seattle, WA.  

Highsmith, J. M., Lehockey, K. A., Watson, E., Bickel, K., Loveless, J., and Everhart, D. E. (2014, February). Generalized clinical and subclinical anxiety effects on neuropsychological test performance [Poster presentation]. 42nd annual International Neuropsychological Society conference, Seattle, WA. 

Highsmith, J. M., Watson, E., Lehockey, K. A., Bickel, K., Loveless, J., and Everhart, D. E. (2014, February). Predicting anterior cingulate cortex and behavioral responses to errors: What do executive functioning measures tell us? [Poster presentation]. 42nd annual International Neuropsychological Society conference, Seattle, WA.  

Bickel, K., Highsmith, J. M., Watson, E., Loveless, J., Stephenson, A. J., Lehockey, K.A., and Everhart, D. E. (2013, October). Examination of neurophysiological correlates of the behavioral activation (BAS) and behavioral inhibition (BIS) systems [Poster presentation]. 15th annual Neuroscience Symposium; Greenville, NC.   

McCubbin, J. A., Loveless, J. P., Graham, J. G., Bart, R. M., Hibdon, M. A., and Isgett, S. F. (2012, April). Cardiovascular emotional dampening: Is there a relationship between blood pressure and perception of risk? [Poster presentation]. 33rd annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, New Orleans, LA.  

Bart, R., Loveless, J., and McCubbin, J. (2011, August). The relationship between emotional dampening and risk taking: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. 8th annual conference on Applied Psychology, Clemson, SC.  

Allen, A. J., McCubbin, J. A., Loveless, J. P., and Helfer, S. G. (2011, April). Effects of estrogen and naltrexone on cardiovascular reactivity in postmenopausal women [Poster presentation]. 32th annual Society of Behavioral Medicine conference, Washington D.C.  

McCubbin, J. A., Loveless, J. P., Hall, G., Robinson, G., and Moore, D. (2011, March). Cardiovascular emotional dampening is independent of alexithymia [Paper presentation]. 69th annual American Psychosomatic Society conference, San Antonio, TX.

Hall, G., Robinson, G., Loveless, J., and McCubbin, J. (2010, August). The relationship between cardiovascular function and emotional recognition: Studying the emotional dampening hypothesis [Poster presentation]. 7th annual conference on Applied Psychology, Clemson, SC.  

Robinson, G., Hall, G., Loveless, J., and McCubbin, J. (2010, August). The relationship of blood pressure and perception of emotion [Poster presentation]. 7th annual conference on Applied Psychology, Clemson, SC.  


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Research / Scholarly Activity

My research interests include:

1) Cardiovascular psychophysiology and its relationship to health; 2) Understanding factors which influence treatment adherence among those with chronic illnesses; 3) Understanding factors which influence subjective sleep quality, as well as the etiology and maintenance of sleep disorders; & 4) Understanding factors that contribute to improvements in health and wellness

My clinical interests include:

1) Evidenced bas...

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My research interests include:

1) Cardiovascular psychophysiology and its relationship to health; 2) Understanding factors which influence treatment adherence among those with chronic illnesses; 3) Understanding factors which influence subjective sleep quality, as well as the etiology and maintenance of sleep disorders; & 4) Understanding factors that contribute to improvements in health and wellness

My clinical interests include:

1) Evidenced based psychotherapies; 2) Adjustment to chronic illness; 3) Improving treatment adherence among those with chronic illnesses; 4) Insomnia and other sleep disorders; & 5) Pre-surgical evaluations for bariatric surgery and solid organ transplant


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In the Media

DeGennaro, N. (2024, April 16). MTSU clinical psychology graduate student takes leadership role at Day on the Hill. MTSU News. https://mtsunews.com/mtsu-psychology-student-day-hill-tennessee/

DeGennaro, N. (2023, November 17). MTSU students take top honors at Tennessee Psychological Association competition. MTSU News. 

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DeGennaro, N. (2024, April 16). MTSU clinical psychology graduate student takes leadership role at Day on the Hill. MTSU News. https://mtsunews.com/mtsu-psychology-student-day-hill-tennessee/

DeGennaro, N. (2023, November 17). MTSU students take top honors at Tennessee Psychological Association competition. MTSU News. https://mtsunews.com/tennessee-psychological-association-awards/

Loveless, J. P. & Sullivan, S. N. (2022, September 13). Stress & coping [Community Talk]. Murfressboro City TV, Murfreesboro, TN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBaniH42544&t=109s

Hays, D. (2022, February). 4 ways to stay mentally healthy in 2022. Murfreesboro City Lifetsyle, 6, 22-23. https://citylifestyle.com/murfreesboro/issues/2022-02

Logue, G. H. (Host). (2021, August 10). Keep calm and carry on [Audio podcast episode]. In MTSU On the Record. Middle Tennessee State University. https://mtsunews.com/loveless-patient-behavior-aug2021/

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Undergraduate Courses Taught:


Psych 202 Introductory Psychology Laboratory (Clemson University)

Psych 1000 Introduction to Psychology (East Carolina University)
Psy 3990 Research in Psychology

Psy 4110 Issues and Ethics in Mental Health Services

Psy 4650 Health Psychology


Graduate Courses Taught: 


Psy 6340 Behavioral Medicine Theory & Application

Psy 6390 Independent Research in Clinical Psychology

Psy 6640 Thesis Research

Psy 6690 Professional Issues & Roles

Psy 6801 Interviewing & Interventions/Foundations of Clincial Practice